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Indian Institute of Manamement & Commerce

Various Committees 2013-2014
The following Faculty Members are nominated to take up various additional responsibilities to strengthen the hands of Administration this year.

1. Mrs.P.Maduri, Dept of Commerce, Convenor
2. Mrs.K.Shailaja,Dept.of Commerce, Co-Convenor
3. Mr.K.Ravi Kiran,Dept.of Mathematics
4. Ms.N. Karunasree,Dept of English
5. Ms.Tanvi Jadhav, Dept of English
6. Mr M.Vijay, Dept.of Computers
7. Mrs.G.Andalu, Dept.of Commerce
8. Mrs.G.Santoshi, Dept of Business Administration
9. Ms.Y.Shailaja, Dept of Statistics
10. Ms.R.Jyosna,Dept of Business Administration

Objective: To see that the students participate regularly in literary and other allied activities and to see that the students develop communication skills and they get an opportunity to exhibit their talents.To spot the talented persons, select them carefully through competitions and send them as representatives to participate in Inter-college competitions. To conduct some Inter-College competitions such as elocution etc.,To conduct every Second Friday Literary events and see that the activities attract the students.

1. Mrs.M.Satya Sudha,Dept.of Commerce, Convenor
2. Mrs.P.Maduri, Dept of Commerce
3. Mr.K.Ravi Kiran,Dept.of Mathematics
4. Mr.K.Prashanth Kumar,Head, Dept.of Computers
5. Mr. K.Sreekanth, Dept of Business Administration
6. Mr.M.Satyanarayana,Dept.of Computers
7. Mrs.S.Saritha,Dept.of Mathematics
8. Ms.Sree Lekha,Dept.of Statistics
9. Mrs.K.Padmapriya, Dept.of Commerce
10. Mr.V.Sairam,Programmer

Objective: To build good relations with Employers providing jobs on Campus, identifying deficiencies among students give proper advice to such students and see that those who need jobs get them. To be in touch with the employers who have not visited the campus and influence them to visit the campus.

Maintain a record of Employers who approached the College and also those who got selected and joined the firms. To keep track of the students and their career growth.

1. Smt.M.Satya Sudha,Vice-Pricipal,Co-ordinator
2. Mrs.U.Phanikrishna ,Dept.of Commerce
3. Sri N.B.Vasanth Kumar, Dept.of Commerce
4. Mrs.T.Nagalaxmi,Dept.of Commerce
5. Mr.M.Vijay,Dept.of Computers
6. Mrs.G.Santoshi ,Dept.of Business Administration
7. Ms.Y.Shailaja, Dept of Statistics
8. Mrs.S.Saritha ,Dept.of Mathematics
9. Mrs. Smitha Panigrahy,Dept.of Computers
10. Mr. D.Tirumal Rao,Dept.of Commerce

Objective: To build good relations with the Director, Academic Audit Cell, Controller of Exams and the members of Staff to co-ordinate the Examination work and see that the University Exams are being held smoothly.To see that attendance is displayed on the notice board periodically and to see that academic work goes on smoothly.

1. Mr. D.Tirumal Rao,Dept.of Commerce, Convenor
2. Mr.K.Ravi Kiran,Dept.of Mathematics
3. Smt.T.Nagalaxmi, Dept.of Commerce, Co-Convenor
4. Mrs. K.Swapna , Dept.of Business Administration
5. Smt.K.Shailaja,Dept.of Commerce
6. Ms. SreeLekha,Dept.of Statistics
7. Ms.N. Karunasree,Dept of English
8. Smt.Bh.Srivatsala,Dept.of Computers
9. Mr. V.Sairam, Programmer
10. Ms Y.Aruna,Programmer

Objective: To encourage Intra-College Seminars and to conduct at least One Seminar at National/State Level.To identify sponsors, procure necessary funds from sponsors and articles from Resource persons.

1. Sri Pratap, Physical Education, Convenor.
2. Smt.K.Padmapriya ,Dept.of Commerce
3. Sri N.B.Vasanth Kumar, Dept.of Commerce
4. Sri M.Vijay, Dept.of Computers, Co-Convenor
6. Sri K.Ravi Kiran,Dept.of Mathematics
6. Smt.K.Shailaja,Dept.of Commerce
7. Mr.K.Prashanth Kumar,Head, Dept.of Computers
8. Mr.M.Satyanarayana,Dept.of Computers
9. Mrs. G.Santoshi, Dept.of Business Administration
10. Mr.K.Sreekanth, Dept.of Business Administration
11. Mrs.P.Maduri, Dept of Commerce
12. Ms.R.Jyosna,Dept of Business Administration

Objective: To see that the environment in the College is pleasant and healthy for academic growth.

1. Mrs. M.Satya Sudha,Vice-Pricipal,Co-ordinator
2. Smt.S.Geetha,Librarian
3. Mrs.U.Phanikrishna ,Head, Dept.of Commerce
4. Mr.K.Prashanth Kumar,Head, Dept.of Computers
5. Mrs. G.Santoshi, Head, Dept.of Business Administration
6. Ms. J.Sreelekha, Head, Dept.of Statistics
7. Mr. M.Ramachandra Rao, Head, Dept of English

Objective: To see that UGC guidelines are followed and replies given promptly.

1. Smt.U. Phanikrishna,Dept.of Commerce,Convenor
2. Smt.S.Saritha,Head,Dept.of Mathematics, Co-Convenor
3. Smt.T.Nagalaxmi,Dept.of Commerce
4. Mrs. G.Santoshi, Head, Dept.of Business Administration
5. Mr.K.Prashanth Kumar,Head, Dept.of Computers
6. Ms.Y.Shailaja,Dept.of Statistics

1. Smt.S.Saritha ,Head, Dept.of Mathematics,Convenor
2. Smt.Bh.Srivatsala, Dept.of Computers, Co-Convenor
3. Smt.M.Vijay,Dept.of Computers
4. Mrs. Tanvi Jadhav,Dept.of English
5. Mrs.K.Padmapriya , Dept.of Commerce
6. Mrs.K.Nagasireesha ,Dept.of Commerce

1. Mrs.S.Geetha,Librarian,Convenor
2. Ms.R.Jyosna Reddy, Dept.of Business Administration
3. Smt.Saritha,Head,Dept.of Mathematics
4. Mr. Vijayanand Goud,Asst.Librarian
5. Dr.Ramesh Kumar Jadhav,Head,Dept.of Languages
6. Sri K.Prashanth Kumar,Head,Dept.of Computers
7. Sri M.Ramachandra Rao,Dept.of English
8. Smt.K.Swapna ,Dept.of Business Administration
9. Ms. Sreelekha,Dept.of Statistics
10. Mrs.T.Nagalaxmi, Dept.of Commerce
11. Mr.K.Ravi Kiran,Dept.of Mathematics
12. Mrs G.Santoshi,Dept.of Business Administration
13. Smt. G.Andalu, Dept of Commerce
14. Mrs.Bh.Srivatsala, Dept.of Computers
15. Mrs. B.Rupini,Dept.of Commerce
16. Smt. K.Shailaja,Dept.of Commerce
17. Smt. U.Phanikrishan, Dept.of Commerce

1. Sri B.Pratap, Phy.Edn.,Convenor
2. Sri N.B.Vasanth Kumar, Dept.of Commerce
3. Mr.K.Sreekanth, Business Administration
4. Mr.M.Satyanarayana,Dept.of Computers
5. Sri M.Vijay, Dept.of Computers
6. Sri V.Sairam, Programmer, Dept.of Computers

1. Sri M.Ramachandra Rao,Dept.of English
2. Ms.Tanvi Jadhav,Dept.of English
3. Sri K.Prashanth Kumar,Head,Dept.of Computers
4. Ms.N.Karunasree,Dept.of English
5. Ms Y.Aruna, Programmer,Dept.of Computers
6. Mr. Vijayanand Goud,Asst.Librarian

1. Mrs. U.Phanikrishna, Dept.of Commerce,Convenor
2. Mr. D.Tirumal Rao, Dept.of Commerce
3. Sri.K.Ravi Kiran,Dept.of Mathematics
4. Ms Sree Lekha,Dept.of Statistics
5. Mrs G.Santoshi,Dept.of Business Administration
6. Sri M.Ramachandra Rao,Dept.of English
7. Mrs Naga Sireesha,Dept.of Commerce
8. Mrs. K.Padmapriya, Dept.of Commerce

1. Mrs. K.Naga Sireesha,Dept.of Commerce, Convenor
2. Mrs. T.Nagalaxmi, Dept of Commerce
3. Mrs. K.Saritha, Dept of Mathematics
4. Ms. Y.Shailaja, Dept of Statistics
5. Mrs. G.Santoshi, Dept of Business Administration
6. Mr. M.Vijay,Dept of Computers
7. Mrs.P.Madhuri, Dept of Commerce
8. Ms.Tanvi Jadhav, Dept of English
9. Sri K.Prashanth Kumar,Head,Dept.of Computers

Objective: To see that attendance is dispalyed on the notice board & uploaded on website.

1. Smt.T.Nagalaxmi,Dept.of Commerce, Convenor
2. Smt.Bh.Vatsala,Dept.of Computers
3. Ms. R.Jyosna ,Dept.of Business Administration
4. Sri B.Rupini, Dept.of Commerce
5. Mr.D.Tirumal Rao,Dept.of Commerce
6. Mrs.K.NagaSireesha, Dept of Commerce
7. Mrs. K.Swapna, Dept.of Business Administration
8. Mr K.Sreekanth, Dept.of Business Administration
9. Mrs. P.Madhuri, Dept.of Commerce
10. Mr. Vijayanand Goud,Asst.Librarian
11. Mrs. K.Padmapriya, Dept of Commerce

All the class mentors and class monitors are the members of the committee.

1. Mr. M.Vijay, Dept.of Computers, Convenor
2. Mr. K.Sreekanth, Dept.of Business Administration
3. Mr M.Satyanarayana,Dept.of Computers
4. Mr. V.Sairam, Programmer, Dept.of Computers
5. Mrs. Smitha Panigrahy ,Dept.of Computers
6. Mr.K.Ravikiran, Dept.of Mathematics

1. Mrs. G.Santoshi, Dept of Business Administration
2. Smt.S.Saritha ,Head, Dept.of Mathematics
3. Mrs. Smita Panigrahy, Dept.of Computers
4. Mrs. P.Madhuri, Dept.of Commerce
5. Ms. J.Sreelekha, Head-Dept of Statistics
6. Mrs.G.Andalu , Dept.of Commerce
7. Mrs.K.Swapna , Dept.of Business Administration
8. K.Karunasree , Dept.of English
9. Mrs.K.Nagasireesha ,Dept.of Commerce

Board of Directors
Code of Cobnduct
Literary & Cultural Activities
Placement Cell & JKC
Academic & Exam Cell
Seminars & Workshops
General Discipline
Matters of UGC
Time-Table Preparation
Library Committee
Sports Committee
Faculty Forum
English Lab Committee
Bridge Course Committee
Commerce Lab Committee
Anti-Ragging Committee
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